Welcome to my blog!
Hi. I’m M. J. Miller, author of Life Lessons from the Hive and Life Lessons from a Rescue Dog. I’m a lover of God and an observer of life in and beyond the hive. So … what can I say that you haven’t already heard from someone else?
When I was a missionary and teacher with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) I learned to look for God in every area of life, not just the traditional “religious” activities. When I moved to Middle Tennessee I continued teaching classes about applying Kingdom principles to their lives. Then I started keeping bees …
The wise men of beekeeping would tell me if I wanted to understand the bees I needed to sit with them (the bees, that is). So I’d take my coffee out to the bee yard every morning and watch the activity around the hive. And I did learn a lot about bees. But there is more …
I believe God wants to speak to us through His creation.
God began to show me Kingdom principles that were illustrated by these fascinating insects. So, being the teacher I am, I began to write down those lessons. And Life Lessons from the Hive was born. Since its release Life Lessons from the Hive has received the Indie Publishing Finalist Award and the Cascade Christian Writer’s Finalist Award.
My second book, Life Lessons from a Rescue Dog, is scheduled to be released this spring. It’s a humorous and challenging book correlating life raising a rescue dog with the Kingdom of God.
A Little Bit More
A graduate of Middle Tennessee State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree, I began my career as a drama teacher, radio announcer and artist, then as a Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Bible teacher and missionary in the Asia/Pacific region. When I’m not tending bees, I speak in churches, conferences and study groups. If you’re interested in having me come and speak with your group, check out my speaker topics page.
On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about life, bees and the Kingdom of God. I will also let you know about speaking engagements and upcoming events. On average I will be publishing one new article a week. If you would like to receive updates on my posts in your email, please sign up here.
Thanks for joining me on the journey.