Author, Speaker, Missionary, Beekeeper

M. J. Miller

Hi. I’m M. J. Miller, author of Life Lessons from the Hive and Life Lessons from a Rescue Dog. I’m a lover of God and an observer of life in and beyond the hive. So, what can I say that you haven’t already heard from someone else?

When I was a missionary and teacher with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), I learned to look for God in every area of life, not just the traditional “religious” activities. When I moved to Middle Tennessee I continued teaching classes about applying Kingdom principles to their lives.

Then I started keeping bees…

My Books

Life Lessons from a Rescue Dog

This book gives us entertaining dog stories any dog-lover can relate to while challenging us to live our lives using Biblical principles.

Life Lessons from the Hive

This book takes us safely into the world of the honey bee, a world that is spectacular, magnificent, and direct evidence of an almighty God.

Recent Blog Posts

Your Opinion Matters

Your Opinion Matters

I’m waiting for a package. The built-in soap dispenser in my kitchen broke the other day and rather than making a special trip to the local hardware store, I decided to look online for a replacement. I typed in “Soap Dispensers for the Kitchen” and was overwhelmed by...

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Who Are You–Really?

Who Are You–Really?

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Writers in Kentucky

Writers in Kentucky

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