Celebrating Christmas in Shelbyville
Bright lights twinkled. Choirs sang inspirational carols. Excited children pulled their parents from booth to booth. Families boarded the train for a joyful ride around the arena. The air crackled with anticipation. Friends...
Did you know?
Did you know that there are three types of bees in one hive? The queen, drones (males) and workers (females)? They all have specific jobs and they all work together. Maybe there's something we humans could learn from the bees.
Happy Cyber Monday
Happy shopping, ya'll! Hope you're having a productive and profitable shopping day. Ever wonder how bazaar it is that we bust our budgets on Black Friday and Cyber Monday after spending the day before being thankful for all we already have? Nevertheless, I"m jumping...
Bee-Approved & Listed on Amazon
Edits! Rewrites! Product Decisions! Emails back and forth! Website Connections! FB Comments! And now Blogs! Next thing you know I'll be Tweeting and Hash-tagging! We're getting closer and closer to release day. Can you believe it? I've gotten the hard copy proofs for...
Waiting not-so-Patiently
So, here I sit on a cold rainy day drumming my fingers while God is trying to teach me patience. (I hate those lessons, don't you?) The book is complete, except for the final proofs. but we can't get the printed proofs until the cover is formatted correctly. So now...
Coming Soon !
Like Christmas, it's just around the corner! I'm so excited to announce that Life Lessons from the Hive will be coming your way around Thanksgiving! We're in the final stages of editing and publication. Whew! What a process! I could write a book about it -- but I...
Open for Business
This is the post excerpt.