“Iffy” Spring & Early Easter

“Iffy” Spring & Early Easter

  So, is Spring here or not?  From the picture above, it sure looks like it. This weekend we were celebrating Spring at the Christian Women’s Conference of Middle Tennessee, coordinated by Mary Ann Davis. The theme was “Bloom Where You’re...


Have you ever given advice to someone and then found yourself not taking that same advice? Well, I’m guilty. This week Suki and I planned a quick check of our hives during the warm weather. We were anxious to take a peek at the girls and see if there was any...
Are You a Blooming Idiot?

Are You a Blooming Idiot?

  Are you a blooming idiot? I am. As the days gradually grow longer and a bit warmer, I’m itching to get outside. I’m daily measuring the shoots from and celebrating each bloom of the daffodils that are poking their heads above ground as I bide my...
The End of an Era

The End of an Era

STOP. I know your lives are busy. So is mine. We all have too much to do and too little time. I get it. However, I want to ask you to pause for a minute and remember this day because it’s the end of an era. The heavenly realm shifted this morning in the Blue...
A Gift and a Favor

A Gift and a Favor

If you haven’t had a chance to purchase my book yet, today’s your day. For a limited time Amazon is offering the Kindle Unlimited version of Life Lessons from the Hive for free. I don’t know how long the promotion will last so if you have Kindle...